Chapter Index
Note: I post a lot of screenshots and out takes from this legacy on my tumblr under the Brannon RLC tag. (post are displayed with most recent entries first)
To see the posts in chronological oder, click here: Brannon RLC Chrono
Generation 1
Chapter 1: Tomorrow Never Knows
Chapter 2: Danger Cake
Entries from Julian's Diary
Chapter 3: The Balrog and the Wimpy Hobbit
Chapter 4: The Adventurer's Tragic Backstory
Chapter 5: Private Island
Chapter 6: I Just Liked Your Smile
Chapter 7: Already Falling
Chapter 8: Some Crappy Teen Movie
Generation 2
Chapter 9: Like Every Other Couple
Chapter 10: Wish for More
Chapter 11: Work is Play
Chapter 12: What Would You Wish For?
Chapter 13: Wonderful Is Not the Word